To give you the best experience at Aalborg Theater we keep some information, including: name and email address. Aalborg Theater uses this information to inform about activities and offers at Aalborg Theater, and we will not pass on this information.
We will send you information about activities at Aalborg Theater as well as offers on performances by mail.
Aalborg Theater will only contact you directly, you will never receive emails from our sponsors or business partners, and we will not pass on your email address to any of these. We may send you information and relevant offers for guest performances at Aalborg Theater or information about theater productions, in which Aalborg Theater is a co-producer and staged elsewhere than at Aalborg Theater.
We might also send you information and relevant offers from our sponsors and business partners. They are:
Norden Media, Spar Nord Bank A / S, Spar Nord Foundation, Torben Vejs Fund, Aalborg Portland Holding A / S, Alfa Laval Aalborg A / S, Arbejdernes Landsbank, Carlsberg Denmark, Færch & Co., Mariendal Electrics, Machine Factory Fuglsangs Eftf. A / S, Nordea Foundation, Phønix Hotel Aalborg, A. Enggaard, Advokatfirmaet Vingaardshus, Photographer Allan Toft, Audi Aalborg, AV Center Aalborg ApS, Baghuset Press, Beierholm, C.F. Moller, Dansk Bank, Elians køkken, Erhvervsnetværk 9220, Erhverv Norddanmark, Fibertex Nonwovens, First Step, Gabriel A / S, Galerie Wolfsen, Gug Plant & Planteskole A / S, Handelsbanken, Himmerland Boligforening, HjulmandKaptain, Hojland., Hookstone, Logimatic Holding A / S, Melsen Tech, Nordea, Nykredit, Rambøll, Redmark, Sparekassen Vendsyssel, Sphion, Suldrup Painting, System Cleaners A / S, Søstrene Grene, Thomsen & Fals, Tomex Danmark A / S, Vingesuset, VisitAalborg, AaB A / S. , Aalborg Chocolate, Aalborg City, Aalborg Events, Aalborg Business School, Aalborg Storcenter.
Aalborg Theater Café
Find the updated list of Aalborg Theater’s current sponsors and business partners at our homepage.
General information about Aalborg Theater’s processing of customer information can be found here. Please read the general information before you give your consent.
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